Silver Age Comic Con (SACC) is the official comic con experience in Reno, Nevada with the official superhero of Nevada named Silver Age. Silver Age Comic Con is local to the community and invests in the Reno community to bring all Nevadans together.
2022 was a special year coming back from COVID-19 and Silver Age Comic Con happening in the legendary and historical Circus Circus Resort and Casino. People from all over Nevada came to Silver Age Comic Con making it the largest pop culture event in Northern Nevada. Special guests included Peter Kelamis (Dragon Ball Z, Man In The High Castle, and many other films and TV shows), Anndi McAfee (The Land Before Time), Kathy Garver (Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, Family Affair), John Barbour (Real People, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation), and Michael Svabek (iiRcade Inc).

Silver Age Comic Con loves comic book artists and 2022 saw several amazing artists who gave free exclusive swag only available at Silver Age Comic Con. The artist's special guests included Chris Marrinan (Marvel and DC Comics), Luis Rivera (Colossus Girl Entertainment Comics), Peter Secosh (Colossus Girl Entertainment Comics), Floydman Sunmner (Garbage Pail Kids), Tobe Daranouvong (Villain Comics), and Christie Shinn (Hora Tora Studios).

Silver Age Comic Con is known for giving the most and best exclusive swag and 2022 was no different with exclusive posters, poker chips, and its own exclusive comic book. Attendees who purchase their tickets online and the first to be in line to attend get to have great swag and exclusive especially for them.

Silver Age Comic Con is Cosplayer friendly and offers a diverse display of cosplayers and one of the best Cosplay Contests in the world with an amazing trophy and a $200.00 cash prize. 2022 saw two cosplay guests who hosted and judged the cosplay contest together with local fan groups. Both of the 2022 cosplay guests were local to Reno, Nevada which was GumiV4 Cosplay, and Sandra's Cosplay Asylum.


Silver Age Comic Con has a long history of spreading the love of pop culture from a humble beginning. On October 14, 2014, a small convention was born titled Campbell Con in Campbell, California. It was the very first and still the only pop culture convention in Campbell, California. Campbell Con rolled on from 2015 to 2018. It was recognized by the Mayor and City Council of Campbell, but with such success, the manager of the city venue decided to no longer allow Campbell Con to use the venue. The manager had a disdain for cosplayers and didn't want Campbell Con in a venue she managed.
In 2018 Campbell Con moved to West Valley College in Saratoga, California. Again making history as the first and only pop culture convention in Saratoga, California. 2018 would be the only convention for Campbell Con in the Saratoga Venue. Other venues were difficult to find as hosting an event at the California venues became unfeasible for non-corporate shows.
In 2019, the city of Reno, Nevada invited Campbell Con to come to their city and conduct a pop culture convention. Campbell Con was in full gear to come to Reno until the COVID-19 pandemic took over the world. Campbell Con was never named for the city in which it first appeared but was named after the mascot Agent Campbell who was and still is a super agent character. Agent Campbell was inspired by actress Lana Wood, the first special guest signed for Campbell Con back in 2015. The plan was to bring actress Lana Wood back to Campbell Con and have the convention at Circus Circus because Lana Wood was in the James Bond film "Diamonds Are Forever" and the inspiration for the convention and the mascot. Unfortunately due to bad health, Lana Wood could not make the event.
It was at this point that Campbell Con was renamed Silver Age Comic Con, and Agent Campbell became superhero Silver Age which can be seen in the comic book "Team Colossus #2." Campbell Con was not the first California entertainment event to come to Reno, Nevada. Oakland Raiders followed and became the Las Vegas Raiders. Businesses began to leave California for Nevada, and eventually, the Oakland Athletics baseball team would also move to Nevada. Silver Age Comic Con became the official comic con of Nevada, with Silver Age as the official superhero. Silver Age Comic Con is purely Nevadan and has weaved into the culture of all those in Nevada with great pride to serve all in Nevada. Silver Age Comic Con brings family fun entertainment and a great love for community as Silver Age Comic Con is organized by locals.